Past Event Pop Cabaret presents Be Somebody with a Body

Andy Warhol, "Double $5/Weightlifter," 1985–86, The Andy Warhol Museum, Pittsburgh, © The Andy Warhol Foundation for the Visual Arts, Inc.
Andy Warhol, "Double $5/Weightlifter," 1985–86, The Andy Warhol Museum, Pittsburgh, © The Andy Warhol Foundation for the Visual Arts, Inc.
The Warhol and Pop Cabaret present a variety show exploring the pains and pleasures of having a body. The performance features music, dance, stories, fashion, and many stunning surprises—we will not be docile bodies!
Performers include: Lanre Adetola, Clair Chin, Maggie Davis, Brittany De Nigris, Maya Kaisth, Kasem Kydd, Summer Leavitt, Kira Melville, Adam Milner, Michael Quinn, Anna Rosati, Will Taylor, Lee Webster, Gray Swartzel, and Moses Williams.
Pop Cabaret is a performance art collaboration between The Warhol and Carnegie Mellon University’s School of Art, and it is taught by Suzie Silver. Using The Warhol theater as a playground and performance space, students create short solo and group performances. Some themes and strategies include Camp, Lo-Fi Glamour, Neo-Burlesque, Expanded Cinema of the Mind, Alien Vaudeville, Spectacles of Failure, Stand-Up Tragedy, New-Age Jesters, Cosmic Troubadours, Psychedelic Bards, Beautiful Noise, Imploding Vinyl Escapable, and Exotic Masquerade.
Please note this performance contains adult subject matter.