Fifteen Days is a preview of Doyle’s work for Factory Direct: Pittsburgh, an upcoming exhibition opening in June 2012.
For a period of fifteen days, artist Jeanette Doyle will perform a dematerialized act at The Warhol. An extension of the performance will be rendered immaterially on The Warhol’s website. The project emerges from a consideration of the relationship between “dematerialized” artworks versus current definition of the “immaterial.” Each day from 11 a.m. to 12 p.m., Doyle will change the light bulbs illuminating the museum’s entrance gallery. After Doyle’s daily performances at The Warhol, she will then commute to the offices of Ansaldo STS, a leading local technology company involved in traffic management, planning, train control, and signaling systems and services, where she will watch and record work processes. While Doyle will be performing ‘immaterial’ labor at The Warhol, she will function as a viewer at Ansaldo; therefore reversing roles. Factory Direct: Pittsburgh showcases the artwork of 15 established contemporary artists invited to conduct artist residencies in Pittsburgh-based factories.
The live webcam view of The Andy Warhol Museum lobby and Jeanette’s performance is no longer available.

In addition, Doyle and the Museum will publish daily video blog posts, viewable here.
Jeanette Doyle: Fifteen Days is made possible through the generous support of Culture Ireland and the Arts Council of Ireland.