Gen-Z Time Capsule:
Politics & Current Events
Image Gallery

Hugo Paniagua
Hagerstown, MD
Protest Sign
This is a sign from the protests that Gen-Z participated in as a call for change. This sign represents what Gen-Z has gone through in order to challenge the government for a change.

Garrett Lincks
Hagerstown, MD
People “protesting” in Seattle, Washington in a several block area known as CHAZ (Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone) at first but now is referred to as CHOP (Capitol Hill Organized (or Occupied) Protest.). The streets were marked with the words Black Lives Matter painted in large letters down the center of the street and embellished with colorful murals.

Gage Crawford
Maugansville, MD
Protest Destruction
Everyone wants to be “woke” nowadays, and you can not offend anyone so what do we do? Protest! Why? Who knows? We’re idiots and I don’t think its getting any better.
Image Gallery

Sabrina Crichton
Pittsburgh, PA
New Beginnings
My piece is about the COVID-19 pandemic, and hopefully reaching the end of all of this soon. The Gen-Z age group is currently in their super formative years, and the pandemic has greatly affected the ways in which we communicate and express ourselves. I wanted to highlight change and hope for the future through photo collage and typography.

Benjamin Brown
Sag Harbor, NY
The piece I created shows a collage of events that have shaped Gen-Z and expresses our goal of social equality and equity and our growing away from the world’s past idiocies.

Logan White
Erie, PA
A poster representing our hope to achieve our dreams but are confined by reality, Covid-19, wealth, and responsibilities. We must always remember that hope exists, and with hope, we can achieve anything. For me, one of the things that impacted me was Covid-19, which disallowed me from visiting Japan last year, which has long since been a dream of mine. Now, wealth and responsibilities keep me from doing so.
Image Gallery

Katelyn Lewke
Brewerton, NY
Quarantine Thoughts
For over a year now, COVID-19 has plagued our society. With the yearning to go outside and have things like they used to be, with this photo we can speak for what society dreams of while they are stuck inside their homes.

Karla Vela
Laredo, TX
Through the Lens of Gen-Z
My art piece contains images of major events that have happened throughout Gen-Zs lifetime. These events have impacted our lives in many different ways and, at the same time, we have also influenced these events by becoming activists who fight for equality and for our future. In the center of the piece I incorporated my personal life with things I currently like and my college life. My goal was to portray the outside world and its cataclysmic events while zooming in on a single person’s life events/struggles and their personal interests.

Meghan James
Eldred, PA
Questionable Freedoms of the American
My work represents how I perceived the mask mandate throughout the pandemic, and how the basic rights of the American people were put into question as this occurred.

Auston Reece
Hagerstown, MD
A New World
Our generation was born into a very different world than every other generation before us. With the tragedy that fell on September 1st 2001, we have been born into a world that is on the offensive and defensive on terrorism, where it is always in our collective thoughts, and that our soldiers and what we are about to become will be fighting this endless war.

Boston Wood
Amarillo, TX
Silenced by the Media
To capture the current life we live in and how the media silences our voice and pushed narratives on us and don’t give us a choice.
Image Gallery

Spencer Sklar
Hinsdale, NY
Military (1)
As I started my military obligation to the United States, I thought showing life long changes within my life decisions would best express one’s devotion to their country.

Military (2)
These two pictures shows me doing well for myself while enjoying my path in the military.

Spencer Skylar
Hindsdale, NY
Military (3)
This picture shows the brotherhood you gain throughout your career in the military.